Beauty And The Beast: A Classic Fairy Tale

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Beauty and the Beast Analysis

Beauty and the Beast is a classic fairy tale to whom France is given credit. Fans from all over the world are inspired and taught important lessons by this fairy tale. Although Beauty and the Beast has countless recreations, the original story is one of joy and utmost splendor. There are numerous lessons throughout the story, but three main themes of the story are sacrifice, trust, and love.

The theme of sacrifice is easily recognizable throughout the story. Without some character sacrifice, the story would not have ended the way it did. In the story, Beauty asks her father to bring her a single rose when he returns from his journey. Beauty isn’t aware that the single rose would get her father in trouble, …show more content…

“I am only going to assure my father that I am safe and happy. I have promised Beast faithfully that I will come back…” (Lang).

When Beauty promises to keep her word, Beast trusts her. In the story, Beast shows that he is willing to give chances as long as Beauty keeps her promise.

The last theme that Beauty and the Beast shows is love. Through the story, Beast is madly in love with Beauty, though she denies him every time. Towards the end, Beauty changes her mindset, and she realizes who Beast truly is. When Beast agrees to let her go for two months, he tells her that if she doesn’t return, he’ll die. Beauty eventually returns to the palace, but not before Beast is about to die. “I never knew how much I loved you until just now, when I feared I was too late to save your life.” (Lang). After she returns, she finally realizes that she loves Beast and would do anything to keep him alive. When she thinks it’s too late to save him, she finds the love she’s had for him all along.

Beauty and the Beast is a timeless fairy tale about love, sacrifice, and trust. Although the story is extremely old, the new generation of kids still love to watch the movie/ read the book. For most people, it shows that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, and that everyone deserves a chance at true

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