Baseball Narrative

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Hi I'm Andrew and these are the story's that have happen in my life. My family including my Dad would help me get better at what I like even when I wanted to quit he pushed me though it

This was my 4th grade summer break. The reason baseball is my favorite sport is because it is how my Dad got me into baseball and he would play with me until I had the game down. I got the opportunity to go practice with college
K-State players. I was excited, but I was wondering what would we do and have I met some players before? When got there I saw 10-14 year olds probity, I was the shortest one there. First the players introduced themselves some didn't look like they were in college. Then we got into age groups the stations were batting cages, throwing, pitching, catching, grounders, bunting and finally SNACK! When I started to play with these kids, I thought some could make it to the major leagues because they were really
Good, but they acted like they were the best and told me I …show more content…

When I got there I started walking around my home to see who I could play with. I would see kids mostly everywhere and my Mom found out that sometimes kids would go out in the field and play soccer or another sport. My neighbors were all very nice but one ( a few years younger than me) kid kick me in the shins it hurt but otherwise I thought it was fun living here in fort Riley. My Dad kept been mentioning Scouts in family and that when I learned that my neighbors were scouts and my Papa was an Eagle scout. I asked my Mom and Dad "I'll try scouts " I was very jumpy for the next week I probably jumped higher than a kangaroo. Then it was Wednesday the day that I have scouts and then all of a sudden I heard my Mom say scouts is canceled all my excitement dropped I felt as seeing those words on the

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