Barack Obama Ethos Pathos Logos

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Senator, Barack Obama, in his Keynote Address, expresses the importance of hard work, the greatness of America, and how Americans are all one people. Obama’s purpose is to induce people to vote for John Kerry as president. He adopts an urgent, but passionate, and hopeful tone in order to persuade people that John Kerry is the best choice for president. Barack Obama begins his speech by illuminating family values and the importance of hard work. He appeals to the emotions of Americans by implying that everyone is after success and wants the best for themselves and their family; a common dream. Obama uses pathos in order to highlight how important family and hard work is. His personal background conveys a grateful and humble tone that brought …show more content…

He appeals to emotion and reasoning of Americans by referring to the Declaration of Independence and claiming, “That is the true genius of America, a faith- a faith in simple dreams, an insistence on small miracles...” (Obama). Obama uses logos in order to show how Kerry can continue this greatness in America. His examples of America’s freedom and John Kerry’s character convey an urgent but grateful tone that evokes gratefulness in people to be part of America and to keep wanting the country to stay the same; therefore wanting to vote for Kerry, since he would continue the greatness of America. Barack Obama closes his speech by expressing that Americans are all one people. He, again, appeals to the emotions of Americans by stating, “It is that fundamental belief: I am my brother’s keeper. I am my sister’s keeper that makes this country work. It's what allows us to pursue our individual dreams and yet still come together as one American family” (Obama). Barack Obama uses these emotionally loaded words to let Americans know that they all come together as one. His passionate tone with the emotion driven statement touched the hearts of many Americans. Overall, Barack Obama leaves the audience with three things on their mind: hard work is what makes you go places, America is great because of its freedom, and Americans are all one people. He appealed to people's emotions and used impactful words to get his points across. However, the three main points come back to John Kerry and how he is able to keep the greatness in

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