Ayahuasca: A Journey into Healing and Consciousness

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After watching The Sacred Science for the second time, I’m finding that I’m very interested in the idea of ayahuasca. From the movie, I’ve gathered that ayahuasca, which is also known as yagé, is plant medicine that will heal all who are sick, as well as create an altered state of consciousness. But as we found in the movie, not all were successful with an ayahuasca treatment. I think this is because pushing away the concept of healing will deny the process, positive attracts positive and vice versa. Ayahuasca is known as a purifier or the medicine for those who are not lucky with love. I’ve also gathered from another source that ayahuasca is a brew that is used to heal people. It originated Peru, specifically in the Amazon Rainforest. …show more content…

I found that many who have consumed ayahuasca have experienced spiritual revelations in relation to their destiny here on earth as well as how to be the best person they possibly can. This is absolutely amazing, I want to be the best person I can possibly be, and I’ve also wondered at times what my purpose here on earth is, to possibly receive an answer through ayahuasca is remarkable. My Stepmom, who has a very deep spiritual connection recently went to Sedona, Arizona on a spiritual retreat. While she was there she participated in group drumming circles under the full moon out in the desert, as well as group reiki sessions. My Stepmom is a reiki master and her deep connection from her attunements to become a reiki master and the spiritual world is a very unique sight in itself, she often amazes me with her wisdom. While in Sedona, she was able to watch an ayahuasca ceremony. Some of the women she was on the retreat with decided to participate in it. She said it was something she had never seen before, and she also wished that she had participated in it. The spiritual connection between the patient and the Shaman was something that she could see develop over the course of the seven hour ritual, the patients could have walked in telling the Shaman nothing, and by the time it was over. The Shaman basically knew everything about them, from their childhood to every little minute problem in their life. After the ritual, many who participated felt much more centered within their bodies as well as connected to the spiritual world and the

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