Avatar Allegory

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The movie Avatar is a modern myth, its popularity stemming from the inspiration it draws from familiar and widespread themes found in classical myths. Avatar reuses and refreshes these themes for current audiences.Avatar is the latest production written and directed science fiction epic movie by James Cameron. This movie takes place in the year of 2154 and brings us to a spectacular world beyond imagination called Pandora, a lush, Earth-like moon of the planet Polyphemus in the Alpha Centauri star system. Avatar is obviously an allegory for the war on terror and how America interrupted the peaceful lives of the Na’vi and completely destroyed it. Jake Sully (Sam Worthington), a former Marine confined to a wheelchair, replaces his replaces his twin brother, a scientist trained as an avatar operator but murdered in a robbery to travel light to the human outpost in Pandora.We see the scientist's reaction and now we feel disgusted by these actions, they are destroying the environment of these people. The war stands in the violence, and the violence could have been avoided by dialogue. …show more content…

The Na’vi are people who live really in touch with their community, they are all part of natural habitat. They do not harm other creatures, they were just like them. Pandora is a kind of heaven where we can be resurrected and connected instead of disconnected and alone, Pandora is a place where corporations are mining a rare mineral called 'unobtanium' that is believed to solve Earth's energy crisis.By destroying Pandora, Cameron is making us aware of what humans can do to other creatures and makes us criticize. Cameron makes us thirsty for change when Pandora has been destroyed, and he makes us believe that we can stop evil from destroying our world, if we really work together as a family to make it stop. Our world need us as much as we need it. We need to stop the world from falling

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