Authority And Corruption In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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In the novel Animal Farm, by George Orwell, authority leads to manipulation and corruption throughout the farm. In this essay I will reflect on the main characters and relate them to my knowledge of how authorities have influenced corruption in society along with the power and control used to make this story seem like it a page taken out of history.
In George Orwell’s book, Animal Farm, the main characters are animals who are plotting the fall of human reign. The pigs plan a rebellion against others to control and manipulate other for their individual wants and needs. It all starts with Napoleon, the leader pig, banishing their farmer Mr. Jones in order to become the dictator of Manor Farm. This is seen many times in a dictatorship where people rebel against their ruler’s actions. Napoleon leads his pigs by breaking the commandments of human and animal …show more content…

Only we are focusing on pigs and not humans. In this novel, the pigs become the dominate race in influencing others on what to do and say. The one behind this is sketchy maneuver is Napoleon. This is not the French military leader that controlled France in the 1800s where he created his own civil laws and a new constitution that created first consul which amounted to nothing less than dictatorship to focus on controlling: education, religion, economics, and legalities of those around him. This is known as the Napoleonic Code, but the pig who controls those around him with his big words and power of persuasion is truly like this famous leader. This reminds me of how people in government, those who have power, and those want to have control over others use propaganda and big words to convince citizens that everything is okay, we all want the same thing, and that they have people working for them to make them look good by the use of their words and actions, and to be there for others to offer support and

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