Australian Reptiles Research Paper

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Australian Reptiles take advantage of their environment. Their success is dependent on external heat source. Reptiles are ectothermic creatures, they require light and warmth for their daily survival. The external heat both enhances a reptile’s digestion and rejuvenates their energy enabling them to feed more often. (Life History Evolution In Reptiles). Reptiles in arid ecosystems have a greater temperature regulation whereas in cooler climates reptiles face a more difficult battle of survival. Adaptions to the dry land of Australia and their ability to tolerate such a habitat will be investigated.

Reptiles have a low metabolic rate and many physiological attributes that enable them to adapt to an arid environment. Reptiles have to contend with varied climates, sustaining consistent temperatures in extreme heat throughout the day but also surviving the cold nights. To survive the cold nights, they bask at sunrise the next morning. Many Australian reptiles utilise …show more content…

Majority of reptiles are oviparous, which is when the eggs are fertilized internally, then deposited external of the mother. For this process to occur the male reptile’s penis injects sperm in the female. The reptile’s penis becomes rigid and penetrates far into the female’s reproductive system. These eggs are enclosed by a leathery shell which is placed as the egg goes through the oviduct. Temperature is fundamental of sex determination. A small number of reptiles are ovoviviparous or viviparous, which is when the forming eggs develop into embryos internal of the mother (Peter. H. Raven | George. B. Johnson). Blue Tongued Lizards (Tiliqua scincoides scincoides) are examples of viviparous, they give birth live rather than eggs. Mating time can be difficult and can be rough, with females resulting in scrape marks from the teeth of the male. The offspring are born three-five months after mating, and become immediately independent from birth (Australia

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