Australian Cattle Industry Essay

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Cattle were first brought to Australia in 1788 with the first fleet. Five cows and two bulls were not to be eaten but to be used for breeding. The cattle soon wonder off and were found about seven years later but they had bred and there was a herd 70. By 1820, there were 54 000 cattle. By 1840 there were 371 699 cattle. When the gold rushes hit in the 1850's the demand for meat increased with all the new miners.
The cattle industry plays a big part in the history of Australia mainly because even though Australia has its own native meats (e.g. kangaroo, croc and emu). Also because of the importation of food from England in in the first fleet (cattle). We now find it harder to find our native plants and animals in the shops. And because of the cattle there is now the dairy industry. The IWW (Industrial Workers of the World) played a big part in the meat history.

Australia is one of the world’s leading livestock and processed meat exporter. Our largest export markets are located in Japan, USA and South Korea where the climate and topography is not ideal for managing a large heard. Some fast facts include (Courtesy of Meat and Livestock Australia 2013-14):
30.9kg of red meat was consumed per person …show more content…

This is due to climates and topography of the land, which is unsuitable for sustain a large heard of cattle to feeds its massive population. Some examples are:
In Japan, sirloin is most commonly used out of the beef cuts due to its many uses. It can be cubed, sliced for a stir-fry, pan-fried, roasted and braised or put in a casserole.
In Indian dishes, a beef shoulder is commonly used for the same reasons above, it is good for cubing, slicing for a stir fry type of meal, braising, roasting and curries. Offal is defined as “the organs (such as the liver or kidney) of an animal that are used for food” (Courtesy of Merriam-Webster online

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