Atticus Mature

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Harper Lee believes that being the bigger person is more beneficial than not. Throughout To Kill a Mockingbird, Lee demonstrates how there are way more good things coming out of being mature in a conflict than giving in. When Scout saw Cecil Jacobs on the playground, she took Atticus’ advice and the text read, “I drew a bead on him, remembered what Atticus had said, then dropped my fists and walked away…” (Lee 102). By Scout walking away, she is taking a more mature route than giving into Ceci’s taunts. If Scout would have fought Cecil, she would’ve let Atticus down and got into trouble. Instead, she left without any trouble and feeling noble; which is much more rewarding and has a better effect than bruised knuckles. Even though Jem was very upset with what Mrs. Dubose said, he still apologized and made up for his actions. …show more content…

Dubose, he told Atticus what he did, “I cleaned it up for her and said i was sorry, but I ain’t, and that i’d work on ‘em ever saturday and try to make ‘em grow back out” (Lee 140). In this quote, Jem explains that he told Mrs. Dubose he was sorry even though he wasn’t. Also, he promised to nurse her flowers back to health. I believe that jem did this because he knew that instead of making things worse with Mrs. Dubose, he should try to make amends with her. Even though both were in the wrong, Jem decided it would be better to make it right better than worse. Finally, after the trial, Bob Ewell did everything he could to make Atticus’ life miserable. When crossing paths with Atticus, Mr. Ewell made it clear how he felt, “... Atticus didn’t bat an eye, just took out his handkerchief and stood there and let Mr. Ewell call him names wild horses could not bring her to repeat” (Lee 291). With everything Mr. Ewell was putting onto Atticus, he just stood there and took it rather than fighting back. If Atticus would’ve fought back, he could have been in legal

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