Atticus In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The book To Kill a Mockingbird takes place in Maycomb county during the Great Depression. The main character, Atticus Finch, is the father of Scout and Jem, is a lawyer for Tom Robinson, and is a well-respected man in town. Harper Lee characterizes Atticus as courageous and a wise man through his interactions with other characters and events throughout the novel.
Atticus is pictured as a man who demonstrates the meaning of courage. Harper Lee reveals that Atticus is a courageous man because he has been assigned to do the Tom Robinson case and when Scout asks if he will win Atticus says. “Simply because we were licked a hundred years before we started is no reason for us not to try to win” (76) Atticus knows he is going to lose but he is courageous …show more content…

On Scout’s first day of school, she got in trouble by Miss Caroline, her teacher, for already knowing how to read. So Atticus talked to Scout about the problem so they can work things out. Also, Atticus gives Scout a good life lesson when he says. “First of all,’ he said, ‘if you can learn a simple trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view… until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (30) Atticus tells Scout this because he realizes that it is Miss Caroline’s first day as a teacher and it is in a place she is not familiar with. Over time Atticus has gained the ability to feel empathy for people by walking in other people's shoes. When Atticus is assigned to be Tom Robinson's lawyer, almost everyone in Macomb hears about it. One of Scout’s classmates calls Atticus a nigger lover and Scout is very upset by this and talks to Atticus and he straightens things out with her when he says. “Scout,’ said Atticus, ‘nigger-lover is just one of those terms that don’t mean anything—like snot-nose. It’s hard to explain—ignorant, trashy people use it when they think somebody's favoring Negroes over and above themselves. It’s slipped into usage with some people like ourselves when they want a common, ugly term to label somebody.” (108) Atticus is saying to Scout that people call

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