Atticus Finch's Role Model In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Atticus Finch: An Advocate For “Mockingbirds”

When talking to his daughter, Scout, Atticus Finch says: “ ‘The only thing that doesn’t abide by majority rule is a person’s conscience’ ” (Lee 140). This quote signifies Atticus’s strong belief in morality and righteousness that is so apparent in the book To Kill a Mockingbird. Atticus Finch is an inspirational role model that exhibits the qualities of courage, respect, and selflessness. He charms the reader with his stunning wit and great emotional depth of character. Atticus is not discriminatory toward any race and shows mercy to all those in Maycomb who are treated unfairly, even at the expense of his own personal reputation. Atticus’s intuition and empathy is extremely important in this …show more content…

In words of advice to his son, Jem, Atticus explains: “ ‘I wanted you to see what real courage is, instead of getting the idea that courage is a man with a gun in his hand. It’s when you know you’re licked before you begin, but you begin anyway and see it through no matter what’ ” (Lee 149). Atticus shows his children true courage by taking on Tom Robinson’s case, even though he knows with absolute certainty that he won’t succeed. Atticus’s ability to remain strong in the face of racial adversity earns him not only his reputation in the community, but also the hard-won respect of his children. Scout and Jem are finally able to appreciate Atticus as a father figure because he has proven to them that he is a true hero, even though he is not the most popular or athletic father in town. Atticus is willing to stand up for his values as fearlessly as he shot down the rabid dog, which makes Atticus one of the most courageous characters in To Kill A …show more content…

Even though Atticus is more intelligent and sophisticated than others in Maycomb, Atticus shows respect to even the poorest, most uneducated farmers by addressing them politely and with great courtesy. In his own home, Atticus regards Calpurnia, a Negro woman, as an equal member of the household and trusts her to parent Scout and Jem in his absence. Another example of Atticus’s respectfulness is when he strips down in the courtroom, and Scout describes: “...he unbuttoned his vest, unbuttoned his collar, loosened his tie, and took off his coat” (Lee 271). Atticus chooses to take off his formal attire in order to appeal to a jury of white farmers, and by doing so, he shows the jury that he believes everyone is equal in the eyes of God. Atticus’s ability to see the value in the individual makes him not only an effective lawyer, but also a respectful citizen and an influential moral

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