Atticus Finch Actions

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Atticus Finch was a highly educated individual. Several of his actions throughout the novel prove this statement. He was also an extremely loving and devoted father, despite the fact that he was a single parent. His children thought greatly of him. Atticus showed many signs of courage and determination to the trial. The character of Atticus Finch in the novel To Kill a Mockingbird can be analyzed through his actions, his words, his emotions, and his thoughts. In chapter 10 of the novel, Atticus’ children are outside playing and they see a rabid dog down the street. They become scared by the dog and run inside to tell Calpurnia so she can call for Atticus. Atticus arrives at the house with Sheriff Heck Tate. The sheriff was going to shoot the dog, instead however; he turned it over to Atticus to let him shoot. The courage showcased during this chapter is a precursor to the actions taken in defending Tom Robinson. He defends Tom even though he has numerous threats and warnings to do otherwise. The reason they threaten him is because he is not only defending Tom but he is defending Tom’s whole family. The reason the men threaten Atticus is because they are racist and prejudice to any and all blacks. …show more content…

In saying those things he also built character in his children and most definitely left a lasting imprint. One thing he said was “You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view…until you climb into his skin and walk around in it” (Lee 30).When he said that he made it clear that he does not discriminate and allowed his children to think the same way. During the trial Atticus knows that Tom will not be treated fairly so he says something that he hopes will appease the court. He told the jury that it is their God given duty to do the right

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