Atomic Bomb DBQ

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_________. The dropping of an atomic bomb on a single city in Japan seems necessary because it will end the war faster, it will save American lives, and it will prevent Russia or Germany from creating hazardous weapons to use against us such as the atomic bomb. This war has gone on too long. It has brought pain, suffering, and death all over the world for the past years. Millions of people have died in this war and it needs to end. Germany has been conquered, yet Japan remains as a force unwilling to surrender. If Japan refuses to surrender, this could lead to many more months or even a year more of fighting. Henry L. Stimson states in document C that, “Japanese government might determine upon resistance until the end, in all the areas of As president, it is your duty to protect the lives of Americans. By dropping the atomic bomb, you are saving the lives of Americans who are fighting in this war and possibly saving the lives of American that could have otherwise been in jeopardy in the future. In order to defeat with Japan without using the atomic bomb, more troops would have to be sent to Japan, causing the death of many American soldiers. The Japanese have an estimated 5,000,000 men (Doc C) working in their army. In order to defeat such a large army of people who are willing to fight to the death for their country will cost the lives of thousands or even a million of Americans. Henry L. Stimsonin Document C states, “I was informed that such operations might be expected to cost over one million causalities, to American forces alone.” With using the stagey of an invasion rather than the atomic bomb, millions of Americans lives are put in danger, the lives who look up to you to support them and do what is best for them to live a good life. American lives are spared by using the atomic bomb. In addition to saving lives immediately, long term it will also save lives. By bombing Japan, it prevents from the possibility of another attack onto the US by the Japanese. I is undeniable that, yes, the bomb will cause many Japanese to die, however in order to win the war and save the lives of our soldiers we need to take this risk in

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