Article on 24 Hour Alcohol Law

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Article on 24 Hour Alcohol Law The people of Preston have a mixed feelings on whether 24 hour drinking will help ease the city’s alcohol problem. Most people interviewed disagree with plans to relax licensing laws to enable 24 hour drinking. Only two people gave a firm yes with one person unsure. Figures for England show that out of 1.4million crimes in the second quarter of 2005, 318,000 were alcohol related. These figures also show that of the violent crimes more than half are believed to have been drink-fuelled. This increase in drunken violence has prompted calls for the Government to halt the introduction of relaxed licensing laws which as many in Preston would argue will make matters worse. David Hemming, 21, a 3rd year psychology student said: “People will just get more drunk than before, causing more problems to society and costing the police more to contend them.” He added: “Its likely to result in an increased number of people with alcohol related problems, whether psychological or physical.” Amy Piggot, 27, a waitress at a Preston restaurant agreed. Originally from Holywell, North Wales, she said: “It’s a bad idea. Extended drinking hours will result in less and less people making it to work on a morning so unemployment will rise. It won’t be good for family structure either, parents will be given the opportunity to stay in pubs till all hours.” Sheila Hill, aged 67, retired and living in Fulwood said: “You see the results of people drinking too much on television almost every day now. They’re either causing trouble or getting in to it. This will just mean more disruption. It can be very frightening living on your own and seeing drunk people outside your home.” Others who disapprove of the proposal were Phil Anwyll and Nicola Griffiths, a bar worker, both 21 and students at the University of Central Lancashire. Megan Ram, 36, who said; “There’s enough drunken yobs and crime without the influence of alcohol 24hours a day.” And 25 year old owner of Booze Brothers Off-Licence, Vijay.

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