Article Analysis of Hugo Chave's Death

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The reaction to Hugo Chávez’s death has caused a huge stir up in not only Latin America, but in the United States as well. There are many different opinions on how much Chávez’s death will affect the country of Venezuela as a whole. Certain articles state that his death is a positive for the country and how the country will now develop in a better way. Other articles state that his death is tragic and many people are saddened because of how much he has helped build the country. Regardless, most people feel as though the country will continue to develop. In the first article, “The U.S Reaction To Chávez’s Death: From Mourning To Celebration” by Tom Watkins, there were different opinions on Chávez. On one side, many people were celebrating his death by going out to Venezuelan restaurants such as El Arepazo, a restaurant outside of Miami, and others cheered and waved the Venezuelan flags while wearing the Venezuelan colors as well. Some others mourned and felt as though the celebrations should not be happening. “We shouldn’t be partying,” said Ernesto Ackerman, a Chávez opponent. In the second article, “Looking Back At What Hugo Chávez Did” by Daniel Hellinger, Chávez was viewed as a big help to Venezuela and many spoke positive about him and the country as a whole.
In the first article (Watkins, T., U.S Reaction To Chávez’s Death: From Mourning To Celebration, CNN, 6 March, 2013, Page 4), there were many different opinions about Chávez and how he benefited or disrupted the development of Venezuela. One claim was that despite U.S political official views, he was beloved by many Venezuelans. Rep. Jose E. Serrano, D-New York, cited that Chávez’s sale of home heating oil at discount prices to poor families in the Bronx as an example ...

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...distributing knowledge, plenty of facts can be left out in the mainstream media. In the alternative media they try to be as fair and factual based as possible. Which is why many people should look at both mainstream and alternative media to see which has more facts and to see which is less opinionated. Too much opinions in a news article isn’t good. Which is why in the two Chavez articles, they alternative one was more factual based and one that I would use to understand him better.

Works Cited

Watkins, T. (6 March 2013). U.S. reaction to Chavez’s dath: from mourning to celebration. CNN. At

Hellinger, D. (2013, July 30). Looking back at what Hugo Chavez did. Opinion and analysis: Bolivarian Project. The Beacon. Reprinted in At

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