Art In America

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I am going to answer this question by first addressing what makes something art. For many it’s starting function was solely to express and ideology. It was made for churches and commissioned by royalty or religious leaders. That notion has thankfully changed, but no one could have prepared for the current situation art has been taken by the current wave of experimentation. Art is a fundamental human aspect that takes expression in many forms. This imaginative instinct that many have, to create has shaped who we are from as a country. Now the government’s support with funding the arts is a part of how we feel about it. It is important for the people. In times when art is thriving or when art is art is not speaking to a smaller outsider audience …show more content…

The unification and pride for a country is in our art. It is what the nation and its citizens to identify and as a symbol of national pride. Federal museums and performing arts centers are combined with historical preservation and artistic expression. How would the government be able to correctly separate and outcast one side of new art and what should be held as important for historical reasons. Art should be supported by the government because it directly connections to how Americans feel about American. Not supporting would show a lack of interest in the well-being of its …show more content…

Supporting the arts not only helps to put back an investment in bettering the lives of others through community programs. And although it cannot right every wrong, it can only benefit everyone involved. Federal government involvement with the arts reminds us, as Americans of our past and future. It also reminds us that we are all human who grow, learn and make mistakes. Adding a human element to the arts strikes compassion and helps cool hostile feelings when people know there are making a real effort to support, represent and understand all of his people the best way possible.
Even more notably a government funding would help establish that the government is interested in what promotes a healthy and balanced society. Funding projects and the community support talented people have jobs and enriches the lives of children. Creating a positive influence raises happiness and lets people thrive as much as they

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