Art Deco Welcome Center

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History – Art deco welcome center It was designed in 1954 by Leonard Glasser, a well-known Miami Modern architect, whose buildings throughout Miami Beach include the Coral Gables post office, the Fun Fair drive-in on 79th street causeway and Miami’s 990 Insurance building. He also collaborated on the design of the Bacardi Building. The Ocean Front auditorium, although not his best expression of the style, is known for being one of the few MiMo structures on the beach. It consists mainly of a smaller rectangular shape attached to a larger one. Originally, it was connected to the older Miami Beach Patrol building. It was first conceived as a community center for the elderly, but was later built as an auditorium. By the 1990’s it was repurposed and leased by the MDPL and it has served as its headquarters ever since (except the short period of time when the building was under renovation) Current users – Miami Beach patrol The Miami Beach Patrol are responsible for providing ocean life guarding for 7 miles of beach, via 29 lifeguard towers and four sub-headquarters. They are extremely well-prepared …show more content…

This would allow the MDPL to house its Administrative offices in the building. The MDPL is a long standing non-profit organization. Its mission is to preserve, protect and promote the 20th century structures located in the Miami Beach historic district. No other organization in the city offers comparable services. It was founded in 1976 by Barbara Baer Capitman and it is the oldest art deco organization in the world. Under the MDPL, the Ocean Front Auditorium now houses the Art deco welcome center, an art deco gift shop, and art deco walking tours around Miami Beach. The MDPL also coordinates the art deco weekend and exhibits, while also advocating on behalf of historical

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