Aristotle Contemplation Essay

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Aristotle mentions in his books several times that contemplation is a very important activity. But why? In order to understand this statement, the concept of contemplation has to be understood first. According to the modern dictionary contemplation is: “the action of looking thoughtfully at something for a long time.” (Merrian-Webster 1986). Nonetheless, for Aristotle, contemplation has a deeper meaning. According to the Greek philosopher, when one contemplates one is trying to understand the final cause. For humans, thinking about an immotile motor not only natural but it is inevitable. Thus, God is like the ultimate contemplation.

“Contemplation is both the highest form of activity (since the intellect is the highest thing in us, and the objects that it apprehends are the highest things that can be known), and also it is the most …show more content…

Happiness is what all men want, but it is not there where most people usually look for it: happiness is not in wealth or honor or success. Happiness is in virtuous life. What is our role in this world? Only the answer to questions like this give us the key to virtue and, consequently, to happiness. Aristotle, to answer the question, restores in the three classifications of life that Plato had already separated: the vegetative life (own of the plants), the sensitive life (own of the animals), and the Rational life (own of the rational animal that is the human being). In an ethic view like the Greek one, directed to the

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