Arguments Against Mandatory Voting

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Mandatory voting has become a hot topic for conversations and discussion considering the poor voter turnout last year,PBS states only 58% of eligible voters voted.This is only a small amount of the US who voted,but is it low enough to pass a law for mandatory voting?

Jason Brennan ,an assistant professor of ethics,economics and public policy at Georgetown University, states in his article Mandatory Voting would be a disaster,”When we the people vote, we make bad choices, and we get what we choose.” Brennan might be onto something here.What if everyone who voted just randomly picked one? If this were to happen it would be like a game of Wheel of Fortune everytime citizens voted.This law would also mean a high risk of losing your citizenship,what …show more content…

Sure, but so is mandatory taxation, jury duty and the requirement to educate our children.” This comes from the article What we've seen in australia with mandatory voting These facts are all true,however if they added mandatory voting would we be a free country anymore?All of these things should be taken into account before deciding on mandatory voting.

Some more information is by the article Understanding Nonvoters, states that “Analyses of survey data show that no objectively achieved increase in turnout including compulsory voting would be a voon to progressive causes or Democratic candidates.”There would be no real difference in the outcome if mandatory voting was a law.

The article Compulsory Voting by Matt Rosenberg states, “Voter turnout of those registered to vote in Australia was as low as 47% prior to the 1924 compulsory voting law. In the decades since 1924, voter turnout has hovered around 94% to 96%.”This is a good amount of voters but how big of a difference did it actually make in the outcome?

Not voting is voting,think about it,you are deciding you are not going to vote.That is your voice, deciding who to vote for is your voice and when mandatory voting comes in,our voice will be misheard.People will just randomly choose and then no one makes a stand to have their own

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