Arguments Against Institutional Racism

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Institutional racism occurs when an organization fails to meet the needs of all individuals due to issues with their race, culture, or ethnic margins (Varga & Batista, 2016). Institutional racism can occur in law enforcement agencies, government, businesses, schools, churches, and more (Chaney, 2015). Whether intentionally or indirectly, institutional racism is very harmful, and can greatly affect the physical, emotional, mental health, safety, and well-being of marginalized groups (Chaney, 2015). This can result in internalized oppression for members of marginalized populations when the impacts of discriminations and prejudices cause negative behaviors or outcomes for the individual. For Example, in Arizona, a state law bans ethnic study classes that “advocate ethnic solidarity instead of treatment of pupils as individuals” and does not allow instructors with “heavy accents” to teach English classes (Sue & Sue, 2016). Discrimination towards this population results in increased psychological distress (Sue & Sue, 2016). …show more content…

This poses many challenges for the Latina/o population, as it is hard for them to find jobs, because they are living a secret life since they have no legal status in the US (Sue & Sue, 2016). Immigration laws have continued to become more and more forceful. In Arizona and Alabama, law enforcement is required to verify immigration status of individuals of Latina/o culture, to ensure they are legal in the US, which causes discrimination and racial profiling to become a major issue (Sue & Sue, 2106). Which leads to another major challenge for this population, living with a fear of deportation (Sue & Sue,

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