Arguments Against Government Electronic Surveillance

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When it comes to government electronic surveillance, we as a society have to ask questions. What is being monitored, what is considered private, and does this infringement upon my right to privacy? How long has this been going on and where will the line be drawn? One thing is certain, there are multiple ways that we are being monitored and we do not even know it. How much further will this go? The questions are endless. Government electronic surveillance is here whether we like it or not and it does more good than harm. How closely is “big brother” actually watching? How far will we go to keep America safe and at what cost? One final question we must ask is will we brush aside our arguments in order to be safe in today’s American society? Created quickly in wake of the terrorist attacks on America, The Department of Homeland Security is charged with protecting America from and responding to terrorist …show more content…

Most data and intelligence collected is then processed in what is called a fusion center. Fusion centers are essential points within the state and local government for the receipt, analysis, gathering, and sharing of threat-related information between the federal government and state, local, tribal, territorial (SLTT) and private sector partners (“State and Major,” n.d.). This is all created under the guise of screening data in an effort of foiling terrorists plots before they are executed. This statement alone should help the average American sleep better at night. I feel that if Americans knew what dangers were actually going on within our country, many people would not want to walk out the front door of their homes or even take their pets outside. I partially believe that the ignorance to what is happening can be a good thing. I also feel that we should have a basic knowledge of the current threat level so we can be as prepared as possible in the event something does

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