Argumentative Essay: What Are The Benefits Of Oil Pulling?

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There may be bacteria fighting benefits for anyone who can tolerate swishing an oily bolus around in their mouth for twenty minutes a day, but the question arises as to who is doing this “pulling” – oil pulling that is. Is it the same patient who can’t commit to two minutes of brushing? According to the American Student Dental Association, “the term “pulling” is referring to the medicinal action of the oil “pulling” out toxins and bacteria from the user’s blood stream.” The common oils used to do this deed are coconut, sunflower, and sesame. Swishing with one tablespoon of any of these oils is thought to be enough to reap the controversial benefits. Advocates for oil pulling claim that it is effective for treating halitosis, improving oral health, and enhancing overall wellbeing. All …show more content…

While the idea of oil pulling is new to the public, the actual act of it is an old traditional folk remedy that has resurfaced as a holistic approach to oral hygiene care. However, like most holistic approaches, the gamut of opinions and amount of scientific evidence is rarely ever completely narrowed down. The word holistic literally means “whole” as in treating the “whole person” or the entire body, so while the American Dental Association may not back the claims on the effects of oil pulling on the oral cavity, the so called holistic dentists recommending this approach are doing so under the rationale that they are “treating underlying problems that cause symptoms in the mouth”. The oral-systemic link was not always considered and it was not until the year 2000 when the Surgeon General’s Report published “the mouth is the mirror to the body” that holistic approaches like these began to have a strong following. Dr. Amala Guha, assistant professor of immunology and medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Center and the founding president of The International Society for Ayurveda and Health, has reviewed this holistic approach and in

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