Argumentative Essay: The Dangers Of Brain Surgery

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With today’s world more inclined towards war than peace, many people encounter injuries and damages. Thousands of soldiers, in US military, develop deficits to their long-term memory owing to head trauma, brain injury or memory loss, even if they don’t bear any kind of physical damage. This is not only limited to US military but military all over the world. This can even extend to a common man who might have come across a similar problem of brain injury. In response to this, the US military is funding research that is strategically designed to improve memory by brain stimulation via implanted electrodes. It is believed that this can also help people who have suffered strokes or those who have lost their capability to recall due to ageing. The …show more content…

Any attempts to deal with brain and human memory brings up ethical questions. Brain surgery and high-risk come hand-in-hand. Even the smallest of mistakes in brain surgery can often lead to casualties with people encountering disabilities like problems with speech, vision, coordination, coma and perhaps even death. With this in mind, a person is forced to rethink the idea of getting a brain surgery a hundred times. There is also the aspect this technology being misused. This system in the hand of an ill-minded person can lead to a huge disaster that can lead to chips being implanted into a person’s mind that can perhaps control the person partly or …show more content…

Although brain or memory enhancing drugs, also known as ‘smart drugs’, are said to improve memory, however, no pharmaceutical compounds have been verified to be very effective over the long-term as a permanent solution. One of the potential alternative solutions to this is Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS). TMS guides a magnetic field at a particular part outside the skull to create feeble electric currents in the brain which help with some learning tasks. However, TMS has a limited reach which makes the hippocampus too deeply placed into the brain to be affected by TMS, making it efficient enough for areas just near the surface of the

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