Argumentative Essay: Student Loan Debt

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The American dream lies in the future generations-their hope, their aspirations, their motivation but mostly importantly, their education. Education is a fundamental principle for our country, and some twenty million students head to different parts of the country to pursue a degree for a chance at a future. This hope is what leads the bright youth of America from four years in a classroom straight down into a dark, despairing reality-the crippling weight of student loans. Instead of being able to buy a house or a car, these students are haunted by their loans, leaving 43.3 million Americans drowning in debt. Collectively, US students owe $1.23 trillion in student loan debt. Nearly 60% of students would give up social media for life to be rid of their student loans, and an astounding 20% would wear the same outfit everyday for life if it meant no student loan debt. With my proposal, no student would have to make a ridiculous sacrifice such as this. …show more content…

Students that are held back by their student loans are less likely to be married, less likely to own a house and more likely to regret their decisions. The solution I have proposed for this issue that plagues the American people not only rids the college students of their debt but also offers a medical advancement. My solution will stop young people from filing for bankruptcy and allow them to take back their financial freedom. This solution has been advised to me by a good friend who currently works as head of surgery at a prestigious hospital, and I recount it now in the hope that it will solve the crisis Americans are so burdened under. This source has informed me that young, healthy college students are perfectly capable of selling half of their organs for around

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