Argumentative Essay: Should Kids Be Classified As Adults

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Kids, how old are they are to really be classified as adults. The normal age to be classified as an adult is at age 18. But, maybe we should change the age limit for children. Kids should be classified as adults at age 25.

Many types of scientist have stated that the human mind matures way past age 18. Kids below 18 usually crash cars and do many other crazy things. People don't know why these teens do crazy things like that, and this usually happens because kids are very irresponsible. One quote that helps my topic sentence is “Indeed some brain regions and systems do not reach full maturity until the early or mid-20's.” Page 236. The meaning is that some brain areas are not fully matured at 18 as we had thought. It's important for people to know because they can have knowledge beforehand and take extra precautions for their child's safety. As stated a teens mind is not yet matured and they are prone to doing irrational things.

The age for …show more content…

Instead of blaming maturity why not put the parents at fault as well? Yes, the parents are at the fault as well but the child needs to take steps to help fix the problem. Not all kids are crazy as you think. Yes but the sheer number of irresponsible teens overshadows those who are responsible. If we're going to make a change we can't take chances. This idea is the strongest because it can make kids even more comfortable.

Due to increases in many cases of young irresponsibility it has without a doubt, kids should be classified as adults at age 25. Others have to care because this is our new generation, you are new generation to become the worst generation. As stated the brain achieves full maturity in the early 20's or mid-20's. Also kids driving when the brain is still in progress of maturing could have an effect on their thought process. If no action is taken we have seen many tragedies involving kids and it could get even worse if we can't take

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