Argumentative Essay On Water On Mars

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If you were magically able to take a road trip to Mars for the day, you would stumble upon rocks, walk through valleys, maybe even take a look at the second largest mountain in our solar system; Olympus Mons. However, due to today’s low atmospheric pressure on Mars, there is no water, no life, and the hypothetical road trip wouldn’t work because you would not be able to breathe. The water-less Mars we know today, hasn’t always been just a red planet. Previous studies beginning in the late 70’s and again in the 90’s detected evidence of water once occurring on Mars. However, a new scientific study led by Sharon Wilson of the Smithsonian Institution and the University of Virginia, shows water on Mars may have existed earlier than previously thought. …show more content…

Prior to this discovery, scientist and researchers believed Mars atmosphere was depleted making it too cold for water to emerge. During the most recent observations of Mars, NASA sent out the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, Mars Global Surveyor Probe and the European Space Agency sent out the Mars Express Spacecraft. Wilson and her colleagues observed photographs and data they retained from the space crafts. Wilson detected various valleys and lake basins that were at one point larger than two of the Great Lakes. Author of the article “Huge Mars Lakes Formed Much More Recently Than Thought,” Mike Wall, says “this Martian lake overflowed into an enormous basin, dubbed Heart Lake, that held about 670 cubic miles (2,790 cubic km) of water — quite a bit more than Lake Erie and Lake Ontario.” Wilson also discovered evidence of water emplaced by snow not rain. Which would be further evidence for her newest discovery because of previous findings of Mars’s freezing cold atmosphere. Wilson stated “the rate at which water flowed through these valleys is consistent with runoff from melting snow. These weren't rushing rivers. They have simple drainage patterns and did not form deep or complex systems like the ancient valley networks from early Mars.” However, Wilson was unable to conclude how the snow was heated enough to melt. A possible solution to this obscure question could be Mars axis had shifted enough to allow radiance to ice

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