Argumentative Essay On Syrian Refugees

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There are many new social issues that arise throughout the years and become big debating topics of the world. An example of one of these topics that has turned into a global social issue is accepting Syrian refugees into the United States of America. This has been a relevant issue in today’s society, after people in our society seek to help those people that do not want to be a part of the civil war that erupted in Syria. This has brought about programs that bring those out of the country and relocate them to others areas like the United States and places like Europe. This would be a good thing, if it did not present a risk to our own country while doing so. The threat of a radical entering the United States has become higher because they are …show more content…

This claim looks good of what the process does, but it cannot effectively determine whether a refugee should be admitted into the country or not. What is not taken into account is that many of the Syrian Refugees that are coming to be screened have no paperwork identifying them, or paperwork that cannot be verified. As the Ebscohost author of The United States’ Refugee Resettlement Process is Dangerously Permeable in this Age of Terrorism quotes Peter King, a New York Representative, saying that “despite the federal government’s efforts to screen for terrorist ties, it is nearly impossible to do so effectively, because refugees often arrive in the United States with no official paperwork.” From this, we can see that this will allow for the entrance of terrorists into the United States, because the process cannot simply see the necessarily accurate representation of a person. It is easy to lie when there is no one to disprove what you are saying and make it easy to sneak through the cracks of a program that was designed to help those in need that truly need assistance and refuge from the war torn country of

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