Argumentative Essay On Animal Testing

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“For more than a hundred years, virtually every medical breakthrough in human and animal health has been the direct result of research using animals.” (California Biomedical Research Association) Every huge development in the creation of new vaccines and cures has only been feasible through the many experiments many experiments performed on animals. Animal testing involves a series of clinical trials that uses animal subjects to test and develop many different types of methods to treat and diagnose and treat diseases that affect both systems of humans and animals. Animals make a really good test subject for humans is because many of the animals scientists use in testing share over 90% of human DNA in their blood cells. This allows the scientists …show more content…

By using these animals in testing, it is an effective way to research human diseases and what type of methods are effective without directly testing on animals. However, the test subjects would need to be multiple so scientists can see whether or not there are discrepancies within the body systems of animals. Specifically, scientists could compare the test results of mice and chimpanzees. Mice shares about 95% of human DNA and chimpanzees share an astounding 99% of human DNA. (California Biomedical Research Association and Understanding Animal Research) Through testing on these animals, we can develop many different ways to attain research and also to create effective methods to treat and diagnose humans without testing on humans directly. However, there are also many different types of diseases that are common in animals that are also a problem in humans. Scientists can test vaccines and cures on these animals and see the effects on these animals. If the results of these vaccines and cures are positive, then further testing should be provided to analyze these vaccines even more to make sure that it is suitable for a human to be injected with. It also helps the animals with this disease as scientists would have already developed antibodies to treat animals afflicted with illness. In essence, animal testing benefits millions of animal and human

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