Argument Against Healthy School

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To be successful in an argument you must present a logical claim with reasons and evidence that backs it up. When an argument has logos it makes it even stronger. After reading the 3 articles about nutrition in schools, it is obvious that they did a good job in presenting them.

In the first article, Some Students Rebel Against Healthy School Lunches, their claim is USDA offering seconds on fruits and vegetables did not solve the conflict. The reporters claim is valid because they give facts and statistics to help explain the argument. Overall their argument was logos and not pathos. The text says, “ The week before, all 111 vegetable containers served were thrown away.” This shows they are trying to reduce the obesity but it isn’t helping because the kids are still going through the container of food fast. This is good evidence because it is logos, it gives good evidence to back up their claim , and it is not opinions it is statistics. Overall , the reporter of the first article, Some Students Rebel Against Healthy School Lunches, did a good job of backing up their argument, …show more content…

Their claim is valid because it gives sufficient evidence and does not express feelings. This means it is logos. Evidence that shows this is, “ The proposal contradicts the dietary guidelines which encourages americans to eat white potatoes and other vegetables high in potassium and fiber.” This shows the older dietary guidelines were healthier than the new updated ones that USDA are trying to enforce because the new guidelines are encouraging people to eat foods that contain fats. The author of School Lunch Standards Miss the Mark was successful in presenting the argument because they have a good claim, logical reasoning , and it gives statistics. The author does not back up the claim with opinions which makes this argument

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