Archetypal Review of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

537 Words2 Pages

Through a magical doorway, past the golden thrones, The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe was created by C.S. Lewis, in 1950, in England. Over the course of the past 64 years, this book has become one of the most famous books in the world. Lewis was “one of the most commercially successful authors” (The Life & Faith of C.S. Lewis: The Magic Never Ends). The hidden archetypes and intricate themes in this book are what sets it apart from others. The theme of this book is fantasy. Fantasy, in a sense, does not connect with reality. While imagination, on the other hand, is based off of events from reality. This book is considered to be such a theme because of Lucy’s discovery of the magical world of Narnia inside the wardrobe. She walked inside to find moth balls and fur coats. As she ventured further into the wardrobe, she soon discovered pine needles, coldness, and snow at her feet. An entirely different world was lain out before her. How strange it must’ve been for Lucy to discover such a thing! As the story goes on, the four children meet several characters who all happen to be tal...

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