Differences And Similarities Between Antigone And Creon

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Choosing to follow authority and the law is admirable and important in order to have a stable society; however, prioritizing family over all is imbedded in humanity. Family is part of one’s identity and greatly affects one's morals and opinions. If a person solely lives a rigid life, following authority over family, then compassion and the ability to be flexible is lost. Sophocles poses if authority or family is superior through the characters Antigone and Creon as their actions and opinions drastically contrast. Creon puts more importance on his rule and the law, while Antigone emphasizes the devotion to her bloodline and the gods. Antigone, although depicting that authority and the king’s rule is important, puts more importance …show more content…

Sophocles depicts that family is superior to authority by showing how bloodline is a sole part of one's identity, that listening to one's heart over one's mind in making a decision is preferable—especially when it comes to family—and how relationship are more important than rules. In Greek society following the king's rule and laws put forth was commenced and even expected however adhering to one's family and most importantly the gods is a compulsory act. By contrasting the notions of the two sisters- Antigone and Ismene- as both give importance to family- Antigone follows her dedication to her bloodline, while Ismene favors obeying authority. Antigone does not falter with her actions even when Ismene firmly argues against her stating: “Bury him! You have just said the new law forbids it.” Antigone: “He is my brother. And he is your brother, too.” (PAGE NUMBER) Antigone is determined to honor her family member although he was considered a traitor to Thebes- overlooking the King and the laws set forth. She outshines her sister, as she remains unyielding even …show more content…

Family is a symbol of heart and in life, as seen by Creon, deciding to value one's authoritative power over family ties and morals leads to devastation and ultimate loss of what matters the most. In daily life choosing to follow intellect versus compassion in one's judgement is often preferred- especially when it comes to remaining powerful and respected as a king. Creon is approached by his son, Haimon- who is one to follow his heart- and in response to his pleads to not kill Antigone Creon answers: “if I permit my own family to rebel, how shall I earn the world’s obedience?” (PAGE NUMBER) Acting with no sympathy and compassion towards his son and niece- Antigone- he ends up losing both. When power is valued over the heart then usually loss follows because no longer does the person with authority make decisions based on morals and becomes rigid- even heartless. In the case of Creon, and many other people, being rational and he believes that if he listens to his heart than he will be looked at as a weak ruler. As Creon’s fate is revealed and there is a threat for how his actions will impact Thebes in the future, out of selfish doubt he chooses to change his mind and “deny the heart!” in order to “not fight with destiny” (PG NUMBER). Creon appears to have changed his stubborn mind out of sympathy to his family, but truly, it is for his reputation and the

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