Antigone Sacrifice

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Antigone was ready to die for her doing something for her brother after he died, and her brother didn't even ask for it. Polyneices would have expected that he would be buried but he would not expect anyone to break a law for him. Polyneices was a traitor and knew that the people of thebes hated what he did but the law that Creon made was unexpected and wrong. Antigone realised this and knew that she had to take action and there were many reasons for her to take action. One of these reasons that Antigone buried Polyneices is to please the gods. This reason may have been selfish but most of her reasons were for her brother. Even if her actions were selfish, her action of sacrificing her life so that her brother could be buried is honorable and …show more content…

Antigone is trying to convince Ismene that she should help and support her in the burying of their brother, “He is my brother still, and yours; though you would have it otherwise, but I shall not abandon him” (193). Antigone is taught to always value her morals over the law that is made. She knows that it is morally right to bury Polyneices and not just abandon him and leave him there for the birds to pick at. She also knows that the gods would want her to follow her morals because her morals are from the gods and the law is from a human. Antigone speaks with Creon and describes that, “Zeus never promulgated such a law, Nor will you find that Justice” (210). Antigone knows to follow her greek religious values and that not even the god of the gods would make such a law that a body should remain unburied. And if Zeus would never make such a disgraceful law then why should Creon have the right to make that law. Antigone’s sacrifice is in accordance with the beliefs of the Greeks and she deserves recognition for …show more content…

Antigone was attempting to have the gods commend her by her action, “With a longer time to charm the dead than those who live, for I shall abide forever there”(194). Antigone buried Polyneices because she wants the gods to think that she is a good person. Antigone describes that she isn’t burying Polyneices for the right reasons, instead she is burying him for her own selfish reasons. This may be true but the sacrifice of her life to bury polyneices is still honorable. Antigone is attempting to have the people recognise that what she did for Polyneices was right,“Cheer me on my way, I whom Hades Lord of the dark lake weds” (228). Antigone is accepting her fate peacefully and without being scared of death. She doesn’t have an issue with dying for the cause of burying her brother because she knew that it was the right thing to do. She is also trying to say to the people of Thebes that they should follow their morals even if it means dying for them. Antigone’s sacrifice is honorable and it teaches people to follow their morals at all

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