Ansel Adams

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Ansel Adams was a very influential person and he was also a very involved person in society. For example, he developed the Zone System which is a very important aspect to photography. Ansel Adams and his photography were very influential to the history of photography and to society.

Ansel Adams influenced the history of photography by coming up with a new way to expose their photographs and he was a very influential person/photographer in the 20 century. Adams, with Fred Archer, he developed the zone system that is a technique for translating light into specific sizes on negatives, allowing photographers to have better control over the exposure of their photographs. Another example of how influential he was is that he produced multiple volumes of technical manuals on photography that are the most influential books on the subject of photography. This shows that he is influential because they are the most influential books ever written on photography. Adams was also a consultant to Polaroid and Hasselbald and other photographic companies. Therefore, Ansel Adams influenced the history of photography by coming up with a new way to expose their photographs and he was a very influential person/ photographer in the 20 century.

Ansel Adams was influential to photography because he was one of the most iconic artists of the American West. He was this because he created a number of photographic techniques that he introduced to the public as well as professionals through books and an annual workshop in Yosemite. Another example of this is that he left a philosophical and technical legacy that will probably not be met by any other artists in the future. A third example is that Alfred Stieglitz, a very highly respected photographer himself,...

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...ty because he was helping document the war and able to show it to America. A final example that Ansel Adams was involved in helping society and the environment is that he received the Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Jimmy Carter, and he also received the first Ansel Adams Award for Conservation by The Wilderness Society. This shows that he was involved in helping society and the environment because the Presidential Medal of Freedom is the highest award that can be given to a civilian in peacetime. Adams receiving the Ansel Adams Award for Conservation shows that he was involved in helping society and the environment because it awards photographers who have used their photography skills to make an effort in conservation. Therefore, Ansel Adams was involved in helping society because he was very involved in groups that helped society and the environment.

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