Animal Testing Is Cruel And Inhumane

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An average of 26 million animals in the US are used for testing. These animals are used to test the toxicity or safeness of different treatments and products that scientists and developers create. Animal testing is cruel and inhumane because the animals used in testing are not protected under the Animal Welfare Act, and has caused millions of animals to be abused and killed.

Animal testing has enabled the development of a lot of treatments for both humans and animals. Many say that there is no other method for researching a total living organism, also there are regulations that help prevent animal cruelty in the labs. In 2011 the Science Journal Nature found that more than half agreed that animal testing is necessary. Some say that Animals are good subjects because that are very similar to humans and should be used in situations where there can be harm to humans. Not only humans benefit from the research done on human primates, animals also can benefit. Even though these are good reasons many people still oppose animal testing.

An opponent of testing claims that it is cruel and immoral to do testing on animals and that …show more content…

It is wrong and should not be allowed and the other says that it is necessary to come up with cures to diseases. Animal testing is okay if it is for the right reasons, such as for medical trials and that it is wrong in the context of it being used to test cosmetics used on humans. Animal testing and experimentation is a very tough subject to take one side on because if people are for it are saying that it is okay for animals to be used for things that can not benefit them in anyway and also that it is okay to abuse them and not treat them as human as possible. People who are against testing are saying that we need to find an alternative to this that will most likely not be as accurate and helpful as animal

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