Animal Shelters And A Humane Society

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The general public is usually confused by the differences between an animal shelter and a humane society. You may have thought to yourself and asked the question, “What exactly is an animal shelter?” An animal shelter is a foundation that will provide a temporary cage for an animal until they can find it a “forever” home or it becomes euthanized due to overcrowding in the shelters. Many times in animal shelters if an animal has a special need or a disability they are immediately put down due to the lack of resources available to the shelter. Most people only think of bringing an animal to a shelter and few times do they ask themselves ‘what about a humane society?’ A humane society is a charitable group that strives to stop animal …show more content…

Humane societies prepare temporary homes with the goal of finding every animal a forever home and a happily ever after. They strive to help every animal- including those with special needs or disabilities- by providing care and shelter, sometimes in the form of foster care. On the off chance an animal never makes it to this kind of safe house you may wonder- what happens to all of the stray, neglected, and abused animals walking the corners of our streets? “Just alone in the United States, about 2.7 million dogs and cats are killed every year”. (source c) Some animals may be found and rescued, but many do not get this second chance; a life to live with no worries or cares. Overpopulation and euthanasia in the animal shelters throughout the nation gives animal lovers much to be concerned about. The ignorance of many people when considering the responsibilities of owning a pet has produced an overwhelming number of homeless animals in our country. Only we as a conscious society can find the solution. It is time as a community that we begin to speak up for the ones who have no voice, who cannot cry out for help or defend themselves. As a nation we are responsible for the animals who are lost and alone and need to be …show more content…

(source E) These animals do not just disappear, they are sent to the streets where they begin their struggle for life and survival of the fittest. When traveling dark roads abandoned animals become vulnerable and at times they are “handed over to abusers and hoarders” where they are tortured, used to reproduce, or just left to deteriorate and waste away. (source e) Rarely these animals see the outside of a cage but when they do, they stare their fate right in the eyes, because now it is time to fight. Many already have health problems such as heartworms, parvo, and rabies, and their conditions gradually worsen in time due to the lack of medical attention and care. The life of abandoned animals is like a domino effect. Once one thing happens more things begin to happen until sequentially it gets worse, “these animals will die, but they will die in pain and alone” if we do not take a stand for the better by getting them off the streets, out of animals shelters, and into their safe homes (humane societies). (source

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