Andrew Solomon's Struggle To Build Identity

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Writer, Andrew Solomon, explains that hardships “forge meaning” and thereafter “build identity”. By “forging meaning” he explains that hardships should be about changing oneself and “building identity” should be about changing the world. Solomon states, “It involves substituting ‘and’ for ‘but’ -- not ‘I am here but I have cancer,’ but rather, ‘I have cancer and I am here.” as he tried to explain that we should speak of our hardships to let others know we survived. This gives people a chance to give strength to a group in which one identifies. Throughout his TED talk, Andrew Solomon, speaks about his childhood, adulthood and his struggle through his sexuality in order to convince his audience that past struggles can shape the identity you wear. “Forge meaning and build identity”, Solomon speaks. This is the mantra in which Solomon explains that many have gone through struggles that let them define what they are going to do in the future. However, it should influence them they wish to be today and everyday after that. For example, in his new book “Far From the Tree: Parents, Children, and the Search for Identity”, he speaks about a single mother who had been raped and gave birth to a child following the rape, who also lost job …show more content…

By inserting the past experiences of the people Solomon interviewed, he was able to to accomplish his goal by letting one know that anyone can go through a hardship but just like the mother who was raped or Dr. Ma Thida, that instead of dwelling in the past, they used their struggles to construct a new identity for them and become stronger. Never allow the traumas one has experienced to stunt the growth of one’s intellectual mind or personality. As Solomon states, “Forge meaning, Build Identity. And then invite the world to share your

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