Analyzing John Loomis 'Short Story Good Enough'

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Words are meaningless without understanding. With words Humans can communicate information and share experiences. This is how Humans have risen above the other animals on the earth, because communication has set us apart from our primitive counterparts. With the power of language on our side Human Beings can compare and contrast different types of stories together, and uncover the true meaning behind the words. The reader can decrypt, and deshifer stories through text evidence, and analyse text structure to fully understand the whole story of “Deer Hit”, by John Loomis, and short story“Good Enough” by Rachel Val. In the story “Good Enough” by Rachel Val. Many inferences can be made by the reader about Dori’s need to fit in with the A-Group. In the story, a line supports my analysis. It cites ”Lisa, and Carleen, and the others in the A-Group had been comparing which colors of Orion Shirts they had gotten to the start of the school year. Yellow and White seemed to be the top two. Through I wasn't paying close attention”. This implies that …show more content…

Many inferences can be made about the main characters nature. Throughout the poem there is many examples of text evidence that shows the characters feelings, and we can analyze it, to fully uncover the characters nature. Some of the evidence is “You watch for awhile”, “You wanted to fix what you’d broken-restore the beautiful body”, “Somethings stay with you, dumping the body in the woods, like a gangster”, and “All you life, the trail of ruin you leave”. My analysis of these pieces of text evidence is that, the character clearly feels guilty about the whole accident. He would undo the damage he’d done if he could furthermore, at the end of the story he realizes that all you can do is accept the trail of ruin you leave as you live your life.. Now that the reader understands the what the character is feeling, the reader can fully comprehend what really happened that night, dark, in the

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