Analytical Essay: We Beat The Street

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“According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, one in three black men can expect to go to prison in their lifetime.” We beat the street, is a novel created to tell the testimonies of three doctors Sampson D. , George J. , and Rameck H. , who didn’t let the environments defy who they was and what the could do with their lives. The Theme that was conveyed in the novel was “If you get caught up in bad things there is always hope you can overcome them.” The theme was conveyed through the storytelling of some of the adversities that the three gentlemen go through as they went through school for doctors. Dr. Sampson Davis was born in Newark, New Jersey, on January 19, 1973. He was the fifth of six children, and after graduating from University High, a magnet school in Newark, he went on to attend Seton Hall University.Growing up in a rough neighborhood in Newark, New Jersey, Dr. George Jenkins beat the odds and followed a dream. Born on February 6, 1973, he attended University High, where his life changed. At age thirteen, while at a dentist's office, Jenkins became curious about the process, and the dentist proceeded to tell Jenkins about his different tools and teach him about teeth. From that moment, he wanted to be a dentist.Dr. Rameck Hunt was born …show more content…

Sampson was in cahoots with this kid named spud who knew a easy way to make money, well that easy way was to make a drop ( sell some drugs) Sampson agrees to make the drop with him and spit the profit, so spud tells him, “ come with me to Harlem. I’ll show you how it’s done.” So they go through with the plan and bring a girl so that they don’t look so suspicious. After they do the job sampson stop, thinks about what he had just did and then tells spud to keep the money. Sampson goes home relieved that he was a able to navigate that delicate road between what was right and what was real. Sampson was the only one who had done something he might have

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