Analysis Of Where Are You Going

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The Search for Independence The short story, Where are you going? Where have you been? Written by Joyce Carol Oates is about a young girl, fifteen of age. Who is vulnerable and occupied with her physical looks, yet has a lot of confidence in herself also because of her pretty looks. Connie always has conflicts with her family, especially with her mother because she thinks that her mother mistreats her due to her pretty looks and always have comments about everything she does. She hates the idea of her mother always comparing her to her big sister, June, who is 24 years old, with hideous looks. Connie always tries to appear to look older so she can attract older men too. Everything in Connie has two sides, as when she is home, Connie is this young childish that has manners and behaves well when her family is around and tries as hard as she can to hide her sexuality. …show more content…

Further, She had been pretending to be this old mature lady but when Arnold Friend started to sexually flirt with her, she was frightened and so "sick with fear that she could do nothing but listen to it - the telephone was clammy and very heavy and her fingers groped down to the dial but were too weak to touch it. She began to scream into the phone, she cried for her mother"( 431) However, when Connie started to call for her nobody was there to help, She even called for help from her mother as a child does, but she didn’t get any help. By that time she felt so weak and the only safe place she was seeing in front of her was going with Arnold Friend. To come to a conclusion, Connie 's experience with Arnold Friend had put her in the adult world where she finds out that she is on her own

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