Analysis Of Vladimir Putin's Speech

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Putin’s speech was greatly anticipated by the world leaders in the United Nations General Assembly. All eyes were fixed on Vladimir Putin as the Russian president attended the event for the first time in more than a decade. He joined with more than 150 world leaders in New York at the UNGA. His speech stirred waves of surprises when he condemned the actions of United States and the NATO alliances in the International affairs. Putin also expressed his deep concern on United States’ intervention in world affairs which were extremely dangerous. His speech posed lots of open-ended questions to the members of assembly. The main area of Putin’s speech was focused on the issues of Syria, and Ukraine crisis and the United States’ and NATO’s intervention …show more content…

Security Council. United States dominance has only brought bloodshed and chaos in many parts of the world. He criticized United States by saying, ‘We all know that after the end of the Cold War — everyone is aware of that — a single center of domination emerged in the world, and then those who found themselves at the top of the pyramid were tempted to think that if they were strong and exceptional, they knew better and they did not have to reckon with the U.N.’ He also stated that United States failed to learn lessons from the Soviet Union which collapsed because of exporting its ideological preferences to other countries. In the same way United States, pushes it theory of democracy in the form of revolution to many countries in the Middle East and North Africa mentioning about Iraq and Libya. The American initiated democracy in those regions only brought destruction and chaos in the country. It was an utter failure. Only violence, poverty and social disaster prevail in those regions. He squarely asked the listeners ‘who have caused the situation? Do you realize now what you've done? But I am afraid no one is going to answer …show more content…

Islamic State did not come from nowhere. The power vacuum created in Iraq and Libya by toppling the legitimate governments in the name of so-called democracy has fuelled the growth to Islamic state terrorists. The militants of Islamic States were the deserted Iraqi and Libyan servicemen. The main reason for such a cause was the result of violation of the U.N. Security Council Resolution of 1973. The Islamic State strengthened their positions in Iraq and Syria, and now they are expanding their wings to other regions. He further added that it is hypocritical and irresponsible for the nations who have created the terrorist talking about international terrorism. They turn a blind eye to the channels of financing and supporting with arms and in illicit oil trade, to achieve their political goals.
Putin on Syria:
He stated that Russia is providing arms and technical assistance to Syria to fight the Islamic State and other terrorists groups. He strongly accused the countries for not cooperating with Syrian government to fight against terrorism. He further added that Syrian armed forces are fighting face to face with the terrorist militants group on all fronts. Hence it is of utmost importance to assist the legitimate government of Syria.
Putin on the Refugee

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