Analysis Of 'To Pimp A Butterfly' By Kendrick Lamar

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Where’s the attention? What is first to be noticed about the album “To Pimp a Butterfly”, by Kendrick Lamar? Kendrick Lamar is an artist who uses a technique with this specific album, by connecting each song to the next. An interesting way he connects the pieces is by poem. The layout can easily induce the listener to hear the entire album for its story. In the album “To Pimp a Butterfly”, Kendrick expresses a deep and meaningful view on life and how things proceed in society. He also includes plenty of imagery, examples, and stories of how society has changed us. As we continue, I will be expressing how Kendrick presents positive songs; which then can switch quickly to more negative songs, and the belief of the Law of Attraction.

Society these days “everybody lacks confidence…and…potential is anonymous” (I, by Kendrick Lamar, verse 2). Kendrick believes that with lack of confidence comes negative emotion. With negative emotion comes a bad string of events. This is called the Law of Attraction. The Law of Attraction is the belief that, like attracts like, and positive thoughts cause positive experiences in life; negative thoughts bring negative experiences. In a way The Law of Attraction is similar to good and bad karma. Bad karma …show more content…

Lamar joins each song together with a poem. This poem is cited in the song Mortal Man in the album “To Pimp a Butterfly”. In this song Kendrick is talking to 2Pac and the creation of this album. 2Pac then listens and understands what Kendrick went through to make these songs. Kendrick rose to be a king, from being just a peasant (King Kunta). Then Lamar felt lost in fame in fortune (These Walls). Self-realizing began when Kendrick contemplates with suicide (U). Kendrick then fights with his devils to stay alive (For Sale?). Finally, he struggled with the guilt of leaving the people of Compton and wasn’t able to help the kids there (Hood

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