Analysis Of Corinna's Going A Maying

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Robert Herrick’s poem “Corinna’s going a Maying” at its surface is a love poem from a young man to his lover asking her to come with him to celebrate the festival and activities that surround the famous May Day. But on a deeper examination of the poem’s core is a lesson about exploring and experiencing our days before they fly by “as fast away as do’s the Sunne”(61). Within the last stanza (lines 57-70) the apprehension towards time is used to persuade Corinna to experience life before it begins “decaying” like time always does (69). As Herrick approaches the last stanza he changes his technique from persuading his love through imagery of the happiness that exists within the festival to something different. His technique is now to inflicting …show more content…

Herrick’s examination of death and decay is without gore or sadness rather he uses positive and beautiful imagery of writing and sun and “raine” (63). The optimistic, excited tone of the poem keeps it from sounding like a lesson rather than a love charm. In lines 65-66, the speaker is romanticizing death by using the infinity of writing to preserve their love in “a fable, song” for everyone to experience (65-66). He wants his love to realize that even though they can be immortalized in words, before that time comes they need to “goe a Maying” to make their story more significant when they are older and when they are gone (70). Throughout the poem Herrick uses repetition in order to influence his love’s decision to go a Maying. The speaker does this by using consonance specifically in lines 66-68 with the repetition of the “I” sound to entice his love about the wonders of “all love, all liking, all delight lies drown’d with us” if they just go a Maying rather than just staying in bed. He is eluding that love and happiness come from experiencing life rather than just surviving it. Because “time serves” the inevitable death they must go off and join the fun since it’s not bound to last forever

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