Analysis Of The Ode To The West Wind

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Second, the terza rima scheme helps the narrator to express his thoughts. In A Defense of Poetry, Shelley states that there exists harmony between the language that poets employ and the sounds that are contained in each word because both sounds and thoughts are intertwined to convey the message that they attempt to represent (763). In other words, there exists a close proximity between the sense of words and their sound; it is the enchainment of both ideas and sounds that creates an effect of harmony. Thus, language and sound work in conjunction to create a stylized and harmonious message which comes to life each time the poem is either read or recited out loud. We mentioned earlier that the Ode to the West Wind is an ode that addresses, that …show more content…

The Ode to the West Wind is shaped into ‘terza rima’scheme. It was invented by the Italian writer and poet Dante Alighieri. The terza rima scheme comprises four tercets and “a concluding couplet which takes up the rhyme of the middle line of the preceding tercet” (7). The terza rima scheme creates an interlocking effect of both ideas and sounds because of the pattern that each stanza follows: aba bcb cdc ded …show more content…

Thus, the speaker of the poem is not only acknowledging the dual aspect of nature, but it is also acknowledging their own dual aspect. Further examples of this duality lie in England in 1819, when Shelley made reference to the Peterloo Massacre, an event that displays the destructive power of mankind over their own kind. Contrary to Hymn to Intellectual Beauty which displays the creative and inventive power of the human mind for constructive purposes. Turning back to the Ode to the West Wind, in the same last couplet the words: everywhere /ˈevrēˌ(h)wer/, destroyer /dəˈstroiər/ and preserver /prəˈzərvər/, they create the sound effect of harmony and musicality considering that they are three syllabic words that all rhyme in the last syllable [3:r]. It is the creativity of the poet to select the right words to convey their thoughts what makes this last couplet a strong conclusion for stanza one. Collins suggests that the Ode to the West Wind “is the voice of the poet attempting to make itself heard (8). In addition to the closing interjection demanding the wind to hear the speaker’s invocation: “hear, O hear!” (15), which seems like a plea to appeal the

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