Analysis Of Socrates

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In the last days of Socrates’ life while he awaits his death sentence, he examines and evaluates the facets of life and the morals that come as a part of human nature. He analyzes the concept of being, and what it means to be either living or deceased and through this analysis, Socrates particularly goes in depth with his examination of the human soul. In Phaedo, Plato meets with a follower who had been with Socrates on his last day, on which he talked much about the innermost qualities of being; life and death and how the soul constitutes those two entities. According to Socrates, there are four arguments that prove the existence of the soul: the Argument from Opposites, the Theory of Recollection, the Affinity Argument, and the Theory of Forms. In the Argument of Opposites, Socrates argues that everything in life holds an opposite to another force. He uses sleep as an example, remarking, “waking comes from sleeping and sleeping comes from waking, and the processes between them are going to sleep and waking up” (Plato 135). Socrates deepens this example further, saying, “the living have come from the dead no less than the dead from the living...the souls …show more content…

Socrates explains, “Before we began to see and hear and otherwise perceive equals we must somewhere have acquired the knowledge of equality as it really is; otherwise we could never have realized, by using it as a standard for comparison, that all equal objects of sense are desirous of being like it, but are only imperfect copies” (141). Prior to physical living, humans have innate knowledge and understanding of equality, and what is seen, heard, or learned pertaining to the notion of equality is simply just recollections to what was comprehended prior to birth, proving their soul existed

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