Analysis Of Numb3rs

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Numb3rs is an American television series which is produced by Ridley and Tony Scott. The stories are based on Federal Bureau of Investigation teams and mathematics professors. A typical episode would consist of a crime, which is then investigated and solved by Don’s team (an FBI agent) and mathematically described by Charlie. The insights which are presented by Charlie’s mathematics are most crucial part of the climax where the crime is solved.
The twentieth episode of the second season of the series was named as “Guns and Roses” and was written by Robert Port and is shot at Los Angeles Center Studios. In this episode the FBP Special Agent is shown investigating the apparent suicide of a former girlfriend while beginning a new relationship. Port’s story is based on real-life incidents and he was also inspired to include acoustic testing and genomic research in the episode. The episode was aired in US on April 21, 2006.
The episode begins with Asst. US Attorney Robin Brooks approaching FBI Agent Don at a gun range and thinking him for his help during the previous case. D...

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