Analysis Of My Life As An Undocumented Immigrants

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Do you know how an undocumented Immigrant lives in the United States? If not, one such immigrant, journalist Jose Antonio Vargas, wrote "My Life as an Undocumented Immigrant," published on June 22, 2011, in The New York Times Magazine, and responded the question with his life experience. He confided his secrets living in America, where he wasn 't supposed to live in. According to his words, he worked hard to enable maintaining in America, throughout, proving his value in America but just couldn 't get his documents. Vargas building his credibility base on the details of his personal affairs, convincing people to rethink about the undocumented Immigrants, and encouraging readers face the hardships and strive to make yourself better. However, towards the middle of his paper, he started to write about he 's gay weakens his purpose of the essay and …show more content…

His paper is full of emotionally-charged words and phrases that that create a sympathetic introduction; Vargas notes that he "grew up here. This is my home. Yet even though I think of myself as an American and consider America my country, my country doesn 't think of me as one of its own". This introduction depicts his awkward relationship with the United States, which he loves the country but the country needs to send him away by law. This is also explained in "The debates over ‘illegal aliens ' intensified my anxieties... Gov. Pete Wilson was re-elected in part because of his support for Proposition 187, which prohibited documented immigrants from attending public school and accessing other services". Because those hardships he faced his paper has numerous feeling words such as, "confused," "scared," "doubt," "guilt," "daunting," "eager," "feared," "worried" (Vargas). All of those words evoke his interior feeling about being an illegal immigrant, which makes the readers sympathize with those undocumented

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