Analysis Of Multiple Personality Disorder In Fight Club

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Friends with a Hallucination Caught between two brick walls, the narrator of the novel, Fight Club, struggles to maintain his life between chaos and boredom. One may say that, the life of the narrator was extremely complete; he had worked hard enough to maintain a stable life financially, but his life was a life of no risks. Playing life so safely, it led the narrator down a very lonely rode. The narrator 's loneliness devoured his life, stealing his sleep, and his peace of mind; his loneliness led him to attend several support groups to relieve him of his isolation. Although the narrator did not have any need to join any support groups, he found comfort in the emotions expressed during the meetings; this release of stress over …show more content…

The narrator states, "If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?" (Palahnuik, 33). Struggling with his identity, the narrator found himself questioning who he is and what he stands for. By questioning who he is, the narrator lost clear personal view of himself. After the relief of the support groups faded, his peace of mind faded as well, causing an increase in his insomnia. According to WebMD, a website dedicated to medical diagnosis, one of the indications of Multiple Personality Disorder are Sleep Disorders, like Insomnia. The narrator stumbled through life, waking up in unknown places, confused, and distorted. Led to conclude the central revelation, the narrator linked his strange awakening in unknown places to his extension of himself, Tyler Durden. NAMI, a website representing the National Alliance on Mental Illness, states, "When under the control of one identity, a person is usually unable to remember some of the events that occurred while other personalities were in control" (NAMI). Fooled by his hallucinations and daydreams, the inability to reveal if the narrator’s dreams were reality or fantasy caused confusion; and the more confused the narrator became the more Tyler Durden took over. The lack of knowledge indicates that the narrator would have more of a disadvantage controlling his decisions than Durden. …show more content…

Before Tyler Durden, the narrator found himself being pushed around by his lack of social skills and inability to express his true emotions; but, Tyler Durden has provided a way out. According to WebMD, a website dedicated to medical diagnosis, stress is a key indication of Multiple Personality Disorder (WebMD). Stressing over this life of responsibilities and hard-work, the narrator perhaps cracked under pressure and started questioning himself: maybe this life of IKEA furniture and support group meetings is not a permanent fix to my dreadfully boring life? This may have led Durden to come up with a new philosophy as the narrator said, "Maybe self-improvement isn 't the answer... Tyler never knew his father...Maybe self-destruction is the answer" (Palahniuk, 49). This philosophy created by Tyler Durden and the narrator causes them to see themselves as rejected by society. In order to move past this sense of rejection, Tyler suggests to self-destruction is the only way to get to the core of yourself. In other words, the narrator would have to destruct himself to reveal who he really is. Stated on NAMI, a website representing the National Alliance on Mental Illness, "The different identities, referred to as alters, may exhibit

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