Analysis Of Love In L. A By Dagoberto Gilb

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In the short story, “Love in L.A,” written by Dagoberto Gilb, tells a story of a man, Jake, who manipulates his was out of a traffic incident. Throughout the short story, Jake is made out to believe as someone who wishes for a better, a more relaxing life. “A steady occupation had its advantages and he couldn’t deny thinking about that too. He needed an FM radio in something better than this ‘58 Buick he drove. It would have crushed velvet interior with electric controls...a nice warm heater and defroster...a cruise control… mellow speakers… windows that hum closed…” However, Jakes desires for better things are nothing more than a fantasy that he dreams of, than something he would rather work for. Furthermore, after rear ending a Toyota, Jake distracts the owner by flirting with her, “So how you doin? Any damage to the car? I’m kinda hoping so, just so it takes a little more time and we can talk some. Or else you …show more content…

Most importantly, Spunk is described by the villagers as fearless. “He ain’t skeered of nothin’ on God’s green footstool-nothin’! He rides that log down at saw-mill jus’ like he struts’ around with another man’s wife-just’ don’t give a kitty. When Tes’ Miller got cut to giblets on that circle-saw, Spunk steps right up and starts riding’. The rest of us was skeered to go near it.” Most importantly, Spunk is a person who will take things that aren't his, like another mans wife, and make them his. However, after the incident of Spunk killed Joe, be believes Joe’s dead spirit is out for revenge. “The thing got Spunk so nervously up he couldn't shoot. But Spunk says twan’t no bob-cat nohow. He says it was Joe done sneaked back from hell!” This incident causes Spunk to become paranoid that Joe is trying to prevent the marriage between Splunk and Joe’s wife, Lena. Eventually, Spunk dies from a saw-mill incident, believing the Joe shoved

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