Analysis Of Liz In The Movie 'Homeless To Harvard'

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In the movie “Homeless to Harvard” movie my dominant impression of Liz is that she is hopeful, content, and ambitious. Throughout the movie, she continues to portray those characteristics. Liz is the main character of the film. She has a rough life, but remains content, hopeful, and ambitious. My impression of her never changes throughout the entire film. In the entire movie, Liz is hopeful, content, and ambitious. There are a few ways Liz describes those personalities in the beginning of the film. Elizabeth starts off the movie narrating her story. She states, “My mother is an alcoholic, drug attack, and is a skis frantic, but she still loves me” (Liz, Beginning of movie). That statement shows that Liz is hopeful because even though her mom is not showing love or …show more content…

For starters, Liz shows ambition by going to Eva’s house and saying, “I do not want to be an idea, I want to go back to school” (Liz, End of movie). After saying that, she filled out and an application and essay, then she turns it into the school. She ambitiously tells the principle, “I am smart, I just need the chance” (Liz, End of movie). That statement shows that she is hopeful to succeed. Elizabeth shows ambition by taking 10 classes at one time. She tells the principle that, “I want to get four years of high school done in 2 years because I am 17 and do not want to graduate high school at 21” (Liz, End of movie). Liz continues to show ambition by writing essays to try to win scholarship money so she can attend Harvard. She is hopeful to win the New York Times scholarship, so she attends the finalist interview. Liz shows contentment by, crying happy tears when she wins the scholarship! Lastly, Elizabeth portrays contentment when she gets into Harvard, gets an apartment, and gets a job working for the New York Times. All of those examples explain why I view Liz as a hopeful, content, and ambitious main

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