Analysis Of Levi's The Scientist Qua Scientist Makes Value Judgments

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Since the mid-20th century, a central debate in the philosophy of science is the role of epistemic values when evaluating its bearing in scientific reasoning and method. In 1953, Richard Rudner published an influential article whose principal argument and title were “The Scientist Qua Scientist Makes Value Judgments” (Rudner 1-6). Rudner proposed that non-epistemic values are characteristically required when making inductive assertions on the rationalization of scientific hypotheses. This paper aims to explore Rudner’s arguments and Isaac Levi’s critique on his claims. Through objections to Levi’s dispute for value free ideal and highlighting the importance of non-epistemic values within the tenets and model development and in science and engineering, …show more content…

One of which was by Thomas Kuhn, who argued that accuracy, consistency, scope, simplicity, and fruitfulness are necessary epistemic values for selecting a rational theory (Kuhn 320-39). As such, a system of epistemic valuation requires value judgements within scientific method and reasoning (Kuhn 320-39). However, Rudner’s argument has also been the subject of criticism by the scientific community and particularly by Isaac Levi. Levi questions its fallibility to predict what will happen as Rudner claims that a scientist can assess a hypothesis only if they assign a probability to the hypothesis with respect to the evidence as a result of Rudner’s first and second premises (Levi 345-357). He notions the idea that value judgement does not occur in all sciences and “a person can meaningfully and consistently be said to accept a hypothesis as true without having a practical objective” (Levi 345-357). Levi argues that the value free ideal does not imply that a “scientist qua scientist makes no value judgments but that given his commitment to the canons of inference he need make no further value judgments in order to decide which hypotheses to accept and which to reject” (Levi

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